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New Practice Website COMING SOON

We are in the process of updating our practice website to a more user friendly, accessibly platform. 

We hope these changes will go live within the next couple of weeks.

(Added: 31/05/2024)








The future of Hartfields Medical Centre 

In 2021 McKenzie Group submitted a draft proposal to commissioners to close Hartfields Medical Centre, located in the Hartfields Retirement Village because:
  • they had limited accommodation available,
  • they were struggling to maintain consistency of care across their multiple sites,
  • changes to working practices during COVID had changed the way patients accessed services, and
  • they felt the closure would enhance both clinical quality and practice resilience.
Following analysis and review of the feedback from two phases of patient and stakeholder engagement (report available here) McKenzie Group understood how important the Hartfields site was to their patients, and the potential impact that a full closure would have.  They worked with their Patient Participation Group [PPG] and a small number of representatives from the Hartfields Retirement Village, to co-design a model for delivering services from Hartfields on a part-time basis.
The co-designed model to deliver services from Hartfields 3 days a week on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, submitted to the ICB in August 2023 was not supported because the application had not clearly articulated any positive or adverse impact for all patients and protected characteristic groups and groups who face health inequalities.  The ICB did, however recognise: 
  • the extensive and robust engagement activity that had been undertaken and the number of engagement activities and approaches undertaken, and
  • that McKenzie Group had moved from their original position of full closure to one of reduced hours, following analysis and evaluation of the two phases of patient and stakeholder engagement, and in recognition of how important the Hartfield's site is to their patients, and the potential impact that full closure would have had, and commended the involvement of: Healthwatch Hartlepool, and McKenzie Group's PPG members and the residents of Hartfields Retirement Village who were willing to co-design a part-time model, despite their reservations in terms of accessing services.
In addition, and recognising the issues raised by McKenzie Group in their original draft proposal, the ICB agreed to enable an 18-month part-time pilot to be undertaken during which compelling evidence of the actual impact on patients and the practice would be gathered, utilising a set of agreed baseline measures, which would take account of any seasonal effect on activity and support a robust commissioning decision for Hartfields going forward.
Following careful consideration McKenzie Group made the decision to withdraw their application for a part-time branch surgery and will continue to provide services five days a week from Hartfields Medical Centre.
Dr Timlin from McKenzie Group said:  "I would like to thank everyone that took the time to take part in the engagement activity and tell us their views about how they use Hartfields and other services within the McKenzie Group.  We have listened to those views, as well as feedback from our local stakeholders in Hartlepool and have made the decision to continue to provide services from Hartfields.
"Hartfields will therefore continue to be open 5 days a week and it's very much business as usual for our patients accessing the surgery."
Updated 16.1.24

Care Navigation

With effect from 13th November, our receptionists, who are our care navigators, will not automatically make you an appointment.

Instead, you will be asked a series of questions to ensure you are seen by the most appropriate healthcare professional.

Healthcare professionals may include: GPs, Nurse Practitioners, Nurses, Community Pharmacists, Physiotherapists, Mental Health Workers, Social Prescribers, etc.

You may also be signposted to other available services. Your cooperation with the reception team whilst they care navigate would be greatly appreciated.

Coming along to the practice does not guarantee an appointment and does not give patients priority. All appointment requests will be care navigated whether patients attend the practice or telephone. Thank you for your cooperation. 

Patient Participation Group

We would like to invite you to join our Patient Participation Group
A Patient Participation Group (PPG) is a group of patients, carers and GP practice staff who meet to discuss practice issues and patient experience to help improve the service.

McKenzie Group is currently recruiting new PPG members, who access services at any of our five sites:
-Victoria Road
-Wynyard Road
-McKenzie House
-Throston Medical Centre

The PPG group meets every six months, and the next meeting will take place at the end of June 2023.

For more information and to join the group, please contact the practice.


We now have an automated repeat prescription ordering line across our practices. 

All patients that would like to order their repeat medication via this automated service will need a PIN number and to verify their identity when using the automated service. Please speak to a member of our reception team to set up your individual PIN number and verify your identity. 

Once you have verified your identity with a reception team member and have been allocated your personal PIN number, you can ring the automated prescription line on 01429 801 000.

You can continue to order your medication either online via our website (SystmOne access) or via the NHS app, or by handing in your repeat prescription slip at reception.

The automated line is open 24 hours. 

We are now an accredited Armed Forces Veteran Friendly GP Practice

The practice has recently gained accreditation to be an Armed Forces Veteran Friendly GP Practice.

For more information regarding this please click here

Armed Forces accreditation

Gold Standards Framework Award

McKenzie Group Practice has received a national Gold Standards Framework (GSF) Quality Hallmark Award for outstanding end of life and palliative care at the GSF Virtual Awards.

The award recognises health and social care providers that deliver quality care in the final year of life.
The Gold Standards Frameworks said "The GSF Accredited practices receiving the Quality Hallmark Award have demonstrated what is possible in primary care, and that aspirations towards top quality ‘gold standard’ care for people nearing the end of their life can be delivered with clinical competence and compassion in a systematic population based way, to include all people in their final year or so of life. They are an inspiration and encouragement to all! CONGRATULATIONS!"
We have received several award plaques which will be displayed at all of our sites. We are very proud of this award and would like to thank our staff for their continued hard work!

📸 Clinical Nurse Manager, Nikki Easton, alongside Caroline and Jayne from our data team.



Health News from the BBC and the NHS

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